The Adopt-A-Park program is a cooperative venture between the State of Virginia, the City of Alexandria, and Alexandrian citizens to improve the appearance and condition of Alexandria’s small urban parks and open spaces. Every time you pick up litter you see at the parks that surround our neighborhood, you participate in the program! Hume Springs Civic Association has adopted the four parks marked on the map below. We host group clean-up days monthly, weather permitting. If you aren't able to join us for the monthly events, please continue to pick up trash any time you are in our parks. You are contributing to the beautification of our neighborhood. By recording your time spent (via this form), you are also contributing to this fundraising activity for HSCA — we receive funding for picking up litter in our adopted parks. The Adopt-A-Park funding allows us to purchase food for our meetings and host important events like National Night Out, Winter Social, and make charitable contributions to other organizations in our area.